Make Your Own Snuggle Bunny

This simple activity for kids is a great way to get your bunny snuggles while at home.

As someone who has worked in education for preschool-aged children, I love this sensory learning craft. Today, I made a washcloth snuggle bunny using the easy-to-follow instructions on our activities page It is a fun and easy activity for kids to do at home. There are also lots of other fun activities for kids of all ages on our site you can do at home if you want to check them out!

How I made my Washcloth Snuggle Bunny craft

First, I placed a washcloth in front of me in a diamond shape. I used the floor as my work surface, but you might want to do this on a desk or table.

Next, I tightly rolled the corner closest to me up to the center.

Then, I roll the opposite corner to the center, making sure the crease lines up with the outside corners of the washcloth.

For the next step, I folded the washcloth in half with the roll inward, and pinched it together like this!

To make the ears, I bent the tips of the “ears” backward towards the “tail” of the bunny.

Then, to hold it all together, I tied the elastic band around the “face” of the bunny.

Now we get to be creative!

For my bunny, I tied a ribbon around the elastic band to hide it and tied it in a bow on top of my bunny’s head.

And last, I glued on googly eyes and a button nose and tail! You can use whatever crafts you have available like beads, or you could even draw the bunny's face with a marker.Look how cute these are! I can't wait to see your snuggle bunnies! Be sure to take a picture and tag us on Facebook or Instagram @tinytailstoyou. And don't forget to check out our other fun activities for kids.

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