5 Magical and Mysterious Animals You Should Know About

Come one, come all to Houdini's Mysterious and Amazing Animals Showcase! You won't believe your eyes when you see these weird, wild, and strange creatures that roam our earth and swim in the seas.

Let's learn some interesting facts about these amazing and magical creatures!

1. The Amazing Axolotl

Native to Lake Xochimilco beneath Mexico City, these critically endangered creatures bear a striking resemblance to the Pokemon Mudkip. They range in size from 6-12 inches, with the higher end being quite rare. Most interesting, perhaps, is the fact that Axolotl exhibit neoteny, the phenomenon where an animal reaches maturity without a metamorphosis. Think of a caterpillar made its cocoon, spent all that time, and then came back out as a slightly larger caterpillar! Amazing!

2. The Armored Pangolin

Pangolins are the only mammals in the world to be covered in hard keratin scales! Keratin is the substance your fingernails are made of, as well as hedgehog quills and tortoise shells. Pangolins live in hollow trees or burrows in Asia and Africa, where they’re native. They are nocturnal, hunting during the night for little ants and termites to slurp up with their long tongues like a heavily armored Anteater!

Photo credit

3. The Majestic Tufted Deer

These funny looking deer are the only members of their genus Elaphodus and are found mainly in China. They are solitary or travel in pairs and are crepuscular, meaning they’re most active at dusk or dawn, just like our chinchillas. There are several oddities about the Tufted Deer, including their long tuft of hair on their forehead that can grow up to 6.7 inches long. The most noticeable strange trait is the male's sharp, tusk-like teeth! These deer have long fangs like a big cat!

4. The Strange Leafy Sea Dragon

Lovingly referred to as “Leafies” in their native Australia, these crazy looking little sea dragons are the state marine animal of South Australia. They move slowly with their almost see-through fins to mimic the appearance of seaweed and feed on plankton and small crustaceans by sucking them up with their snout like a straw!

Photo credithttps://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Dermopt%C3%A8re.JPG

5. The Adorable Sunda Colugo

Also known as the "Sunda Flying Lemur," the Colugo is neither a lemur nor a flyer. They actually leap and glide through the trees with their kite-shaped skin, like a flying squirrel. They live high up in the trees of Southeast Asia, feeding on shoots, flowers, and fruits during the night. They weigh about 2-3lbs and are all but helpless if on the ground. To escape predators they will climb up a nearby tree and attempt to glide away!

Meet me and my magnificent friends!

With Tiny Tails to You, you can meet me, the Magnificent Houdini, and my amazing animal friends at our online virtual hangouts or an in-person petting zoo experience!

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